Wednesday, February 15, 2012


In his defense, he liked wearing my high heels because they make a loud "click clack" noise when he walks, but I do love his pose!
This day he picked out his own clothes. He obviously likes the layered look like his dad. That pose is high fashion!
I don't know why, but he loves my lipgloss and chapstick and somehow he always manages to find it and use it all up in one application.
He is mighty proud of those boots and he pretty much has to wear them everywhere.
My dad threatened to call DCFS. He said obviously Taj was getting too much exposure to the nursing world!

I think these photos may come in handy someday when Taj is misbehaving as a teenager. I'm sure they will carry a lot of leverage and I just might be able to keep him in line!
I know it has been a long time since I last posted so I thought I would give a little update on Taj. Preschool has been amazing for him! He is actually speaking sentences now and he actually wants to know what everything is and he will now repeat about everything we say (Which means I have to be especially careful what I say when I trip over his toys). His latest default reply to everything that he doesn't want to do is, "No! We don't hit, we don't hit!" He will usually say this when we tell him it's time for bed or for quiet time. He also says this to things like doors, toys, walls, etc. when he stubs his toe or runs into them. He is also really good at following classroom procedure and doing what the teachers ask him to do. He has awesome teachers and I'm so thankful for them! He is still as stubborn as ever and lately he has ended up in our bed every night at about 2 a.m. I hope that is a phase that will quickly work itself out! I can't get any sleep with that bony creature right in my back as he refuses to sleep anywhere else, BUT against my back and on my pillow. Haiven loves him more than ever and he is always guaranteed a smile from her. I'm sure I will have two very wild kids on my hands when she is able to walk! He calls her "Haivi" and "baby tister" and "booboos," and then he usually kisses her or tickles her feet or rubs her hair. As wild as Taj is, he does have a sweet side that loves hugs and kisses from momma and every time he hears baby Haivi crying, he will run to her rescue. I think he will do a great job protecting his little sister someday! We love Taj so much and there is not one day that goes by that he doesn't make us laugh!


bjbothwell said...

Favorite Post Ever. HAHA I LOVE THAT BOY!

Janice Twitchell said...

those pics with the pump are hilarious! He is such a cutie! We miss you guys! can't believe haiv is 4 mos!

Sarah said...

What a darling boy! I laughed aloud when I saw the picture of him in his mommas heels! Don't you just love kids? xo