Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Week in Review

A common occurence at our house now. Finding Mater in the pots and pans, a sippy cup upside down in a shoe, long lost items stashed under our bed, shoes in the cupboard, and toys in the toilet is becoming all to common around here. I wouldn't have it any other way:)

I've never seen a pool party on the front lawn before, but I love it! Every month this sweet old lady has a new set up in her yard. I thought after Christmas and Valentine's day I wouldn't see anymore, but she has something for every month, it's fabulous! I'll document each month for your visual enjoyment:)

I always take a picture of Brannon before he heads out for a motorcycle ride because honestly I don't know if he'll come back. They are so dangerous. It's not his driving I'm worried about, it's other people who don't pay attention to motorcycles on the road. In fact, one man was hit and killed on his motorcycle by an SUV this weekend. I think it's time to sell that thing love! I don't want to be a widow!

Anyone see Wild Hogs? If you haven't, it's hilarious! If you have, then you know why this picture is funny: he's got the matching vest, shirt, and skull cap. All the makings of a department store road warrior:)

Taj loves motorcycles, something I hope both he and his dad fall out of love with soon! Taj only gets to go on slow rides in the back yard on the grass, but he loves it, heaven help me!

Hey thanks everyone for letting me know what you do doing the day. I could definitely use some more exercise and I suppose it wouldn't hurt to break out a craft once in a while:) Now that I think about it, I like to read during the day. In fact, I've made it a summer of classics. Right now I'm reading To Kill a Mockingbird and I think Jane Eyre is next.
Other news, I signed up to be a substitute teacher this school year. I figured that I'd better put that Engish degree to some use. Taj is old enough now that he would just think it was great to go play with some other kids for awhile. It's just part-time, which is what I want, and it will get me out of the house. Not that I don't enjoy my time with Taj, but I've got to renew my license next year and this is a good way to do it.

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