So I just thought I'd share one of my worst baby experiences to date that I had today. I had an appointment with the lady doctor today and I brought Taj along, thinking it would be a quick appointment...I was so wrong! It started in the waiting room with a stinky vapor, which I found to be coming from my own child! The best part is that when I checked him, I got poo on my finger (it was up the back bad)....the best part actually is that I was out of diapers and I only had two wipees left!!! I prayed that Taj would be able to make it until the appointment was over, but he started screaming because his bum was hurting while we were still in the waiting room. At my wits end, I knew I had to improvise and I was kindly directed to an empty exam room to change Taj (much to the relief of the other people in the waiting room). With Taj still screaming, I looked around the room frantically for anything that I could made into a diaper... no dice, only giant q-tips, a tissue box, and paper towels. Then I thought I could just line the dirty diaper with paper towels, but the diaper was beyond salvagable, so that was out of the question! I ended up throwing the dirty diaper in the trash can in the room, which was unkind to those who would enter, but I didn't know what else to do with it. I pulled like 20 paper towels out of the dispenser and folded them in half and lined Taj's shorts with them. When I picked Taj up, the white paper over the bed was covered in poo, Taj's snot, and his tears...I left that too because I didn't know how to pull clean paper over the bed (I know, I feel really bad about it, but I was honestly going to have a nervous breakdown). I put Taj back in his stroller, so no one would be able to tell that he wasn't wearing a diaper if he decided to pee. I was seriously sweating by the time we settled back in the waiting room. I got this appointment by chance and I thought if anything else went wrong, I would just have to reschedule and wait two months to get back in, but thank heavens the rest of the appointment went okay. By the time we got home, Taj had peed, but at least we were home and he really didn't make that big of a mess thanks to those handy paper towels. I know some of you are probably laughing and saying that I have worse than this to come, but the Lord knows I can only handle so much!