Wednesday, December 2, 2009


High-end carolers at the Gateway

This is what I waited in line for at three in the morning in the freezing cold on Black was worth it though and so much fun! My little sis Marci waited with me and helped me score this dual screen dvd player for the car and these dirt cheap dvds. I know it doesn't look like a lot, but Black Friday is knowing exactly what items you want before you go to the store in a mad rush.

The two loves of my life

We did go and see the lights at temple square, but it was way too packed and dark to get a pic. We took this at the Gateway mall.

My brother and his wife, my dad, my baby brother, and my mum

This year we had Thanksgiving up north with my dad's family. It was so much fun to have everyone up here. Taj has never been more spoiled. There was heck to pay when everyone went home and Taj didn't get held all the time. It really is a blessing to be with family. It's always hard when everyone has to go back home. Family is what's so great about the holidays:)

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