Thursday, November 12, 2009

My little cowboy

Brannon and Taj play bucking broncos on this horse that my mom gave Taj for his birthday. Sometimes I feel like I'm looking after two kids. I have to tell them both to settle down, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Taj is lucky to have a daddy that loves him and takes the time to play with him. It seems like Taj is growing up so fast now. He's still not really saying anything coherent, but he babbles all the time just like his dad. He may live up to his dad's nickname: Gabby. He is so close to walking on his own now. He's burned a ring in our carpet walking around and around our coffee table. He travels around the house by holding onto walls and crawls less and less, so hopefully he'll get it in the next week or so. He also loves to go shopping with me. I have to put him in the big part of the cart because he crawls out of the seat. So now he stands up in the big basket and tears things off of the shelves when I'm not looking. Usually he ends up breaking something before we leave. He's made shopping a lot more interesting for me though:) My life has changed in more ways than one since I had Taj, but I'm finding out how rewarding motherhood is. There really is no other job in the world that will bring you more happiness.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Where the Wild Things Are

This wild thing was inseperable from this car...he loves loves anything with wheels. I think I know what we'll get him for Christmas.

I don't get this costume...the arms were way too long and the legs were too short...maybe that's why it was at Kid to Kid....

We only took Taj to one door since he doesn't really understand what trick or treating is all that I think about it, we could've scored some big time candy had we taken him to every door...dang it!
Brannon going back for seconds

A bumble bee, Tinkerbell, and a lion, what a combination:) We went trick or treating with our friends and their little girls. It was so much fun watching them go door to year hopefully Taj will love doing the same.

As you can see, Taj was loving his costume....

My little wild thing
I hope everyone else enjoyed taking their kids trick or treating as much as we did. Even though Taj is still too young to understand, we still had a good time. Brannon is stoked about taking Taj around next year, probably because he has a major sweet tooth;)